
Author: Sh'Shares NETWORK, LLC

Privacy Matters: Don’t Check-In At Home

If there is one thing that burns my britches, its people who check-in at home. When check-in first appeared, it simply named the location “home”. Programs such as FourSquare and Facebook Places have become popular, despite past and current privacy concerns. Now, you can designate cute little names for your home when checking such as “home […]

Privacy Matters: Don't Check-In At Home

If there is one thing that burns my britches, its people who check-in at home. When check-in first appeared, it simply named the location “home”. Programs such as FourSquare and Facebook Places have become popular, despite past and current privacy concerns. Now, you can designate cute little names for your home when checking such as “home […]

BBM is Back!

Before there was iMessage and Google Hangout, there was BBM. It was the original private messaging app that requires a PIN code to access the recipient. After smart phones began making a credible statement in the cellular world, Blackberry quietly built it’s smart phone years later. I am assuming upon realizing it still was not […]

INTERVIEW | Liltera Williams

I was directed to the attention of Miss Williams while interacting with Author, Renata Hannans who was recently featured with her book, PS – Never Give Up Hope. I was ecstatic to see that a young, local woman had published a book, so imagine my excitement when I learned that the publisher of this book […]