Course Creation Playbook
Income and Impact Learning Series

Welcome to Course Creation Playbook | Income and Impact Learning Series! Below you will find all course modules and lessons associated with your program. You are enjoyed to go lesson by lesson. Equally, I encourage you to pop around and get what you need at any given moment. This course is yours. Use it as you please!


The first module is a preparation module for Impact-Focused Christian Leaders. It includes an orientation to the course, setting the stage for the rest of the curriculum. The module provides an overview of what to expect and how to prepare for the course.


Master the mindset needed to be a successful course creator online.


The things you should focus on when preparing to create your course.

03 Branding

To begin creating a successful online course, you must find your audience, market to them and successful enroll them into your course.

04 Pricing

Pricing for Your Course

05 Marketing

Another important factor in creating a successful online course is being able to engage with your target audience and presell your course. Without doing these things, you may waste a lot of time on a course that eventually does not sell. Engaging your audience and preselling ensures that enough people are interested so that you meet your course goals.

06 Networking

Once your course content is all made, it is time to start networking and launching your product. Launching your online course includes marketing your product, having a soft launch, and doing final cleanups. Depending on how you've been marketing during your set up, launching your online course can take a few days to several weeks to complete. Let's look at the key steps to finally launching your online course

09 Profiting

From the beginning phases of your online course creation, you should be planning how you plan to generate revenue from the course. If you do not know your payment expectations from the beginning, you may go over- budget on tools or simply not set the course up for optimal revenue. So, you should start planning your revenue from the beginning phases of your online course.

12 Ending and Beginning Again

Learn how to structure your course effectively by placing emphasis on a strong beginning and a powerful ending in the 'Ending & Beginning' lesson.


All the Templates You Need to Get Your Course Up and Running


All the Templates You Need to Get Your Course Up and Running

Course Objectives

Mindset Mastery
Curriculum Creation
Content Delivery
Course Planning
Residual Profits

Your Course Instructor

Coach D Nicole

Allow me to introduce you to my methods of creating courses to build your residual income and long-term impact!

Join me as I walk you through creating courses that will greatly increase your bottom line on a residual basis!

Enjoy this!!! - Coach D!

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