Okay Facebook Privacy Matters!

Facebook Privacy Matters!

Facebook-PrivacySome of you may remember my status update rant regarding my Facebook privacy and the constant changes on that site without notification. I had to realize, Facebook’s sole intent to make their site as social as possible. Have you ever considered how much Facebook knows about you? I am willing to bet you a soda, a lot more than you may want to admit. What started out as a way for college students to communicate with each other has now become the hub of all communications for many people throughout the world. Because so many people have come to rely on Facebook, including businesses, I think now is a good time to address one ongoing issue with Facebook Privacy.

Facebook is finding creative and innovative ways to help you connect with the people and companies you like. I can get to know you without ever meeting you. How is this, you ask? Through an individual’s page, I can get their name, birth date or month, phone number, and email address. I can locate where you work, how long you have worked there, and your title. I am then able to see who you are married to or dating, your kids, siblings, parents, cousins, aunts, and closest friends. I know what types of books you read, the movies you watch, and the music you listen to. If I am able to read your wall, I can then get an understanding for your education level, tolerances, and moods. Yes, all of this from simply scanning someone’s page. That is crazy, right?

Schedule yourself to periodically check your privacy settings. Yes schedule. Who really will remember to regularly check their privacy settings? You will want to see what applications you have authorized, what personal information is visible to whom, and who can view your posts for starter. Just a thought.

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