Calling Purpose-Driven Christian Educators, Community Leaders, and Pastors on a Mission
to Write IMPACTFUL Books or Devotionals THIS YEAR!

Join Our Community of Writers in the success club for SELF-Publishing!

PUBLISH your personal writings FAST,
become a sought-after writer and
make a great living helping people

Templates & ongoing book publishing support starting at $27/MONTH

This kind of value could cost $5,000 or more PER BOOK!!!! BUT...
I decided to give it to you, starting at just $27/month

Here is what you've been told to do when trying to get your writing journey off the ground…

❌ Sending awkward direct messages to strangers

❌ Provide tons of free "value" (what does that even mean?) in writing groups or in comments under people's posts

❌ (Desperately) pitch yourself wherever you can

❌ Build complicated email lists, find  following, and burn money on ads (because you’re actually not sure what you’re doing)

❌ Buy yet another $27 shiny object that promises you the secret key to finally get readers (just to find out it’s another outdated strategy)

❌ Buy an overly expensive group coaching program, course, or signing up with hype-marketing writing gurus

But OMG... you are exhausted, aren't you?
When is this writing journey going to make you any money?

But Don't Worry!

Join 323+ who use a tested signature process.

Position yourself as an expert and build a loyal community that is craving your insight and books.

Here is what happens when you do that:

✅ You grow a loyal audience of people that actually want your help

✅ You start to attract high-quality readers that are an amazing fit for you

✅ You create powerful transformations and amazing results through your words

✅ You receive a ton of appreciation, reviews, feedback, and social proof

✅ You can show up with confidence and authenticity

✅ You can make a great living from helping others

✅ You work on your terms and schedule​

✅ You never have to worry about where to find your next reader again

✅ You can ditch sleazy sales tactics and desperate cold outreach

I’ll be honest with you

Getting to this point wasn't easy

When I started out as a new writer,
I had over 10 years of writings under my belt that were sitting on the shelves collecting dust.

But then I got side-tracked for a couple more months. 

There were so many shiny objects out there and everything sounded so exciting and so important. I felt like I hadn't found my secret sauce yet, and with all the hype that’s out there, I would always feel like I am not doing enough, or what I should be doing, and that I was missing out.

After purchasing my fair share of products and courses ranging from $27 to $1000 I finally realized 2 things:

1.) There is no secret hack to overnight success as a writer

2.) Copy-paste, ‘steal my secret strategy’ solutions don’t work because they are either outdated strategies that the teacher isn’t using themselves.

Ultimately, what they try to push on you simply isn’t aligned with who you are and your purpose

So, how do I do it?


The sought-after author path

The exact steps to becoming a fully booked writer FAST with a loyal readership that appreciates you and craves your help.

Welcome to

the Self-Publishing School Membership Community

Become a sought-after author that shows up authentically and creates and sells powerful transformations with confidence and ease.

When you join the Self-Publishing School Membership Community...

You get everything you need to quickly build your writing capacity and become a fully successful writer... FAST.

You’ll get instant access to:

✅ Bite-sized modules that provide you with step-by-step writing strategy

✅ Including all the worksheets and prompts you need to write and sell your books

✅ An ever-growing resource library with prompts, templates, schedules, and planners

✅ Access to the inner circle Facebook group with 323+ writers for accountability, connection, and support

✅ Feedback on your books and strategy in the Facebook inner circle group


Stop fighting alone. Become part of a powerful community, take advantage of practice,
networking, and always be up to date with the latest strategies in the writing industry.

The opportunity to practice your writing skills
and receive powerful testimonials

The opportunity to teach an amazing community
and pitch at the end

I am so convinced of the method and tools shared in this success club because they helped me to completely change my life and create the writing business of my dreams

👉The Self-Publishing School Membership Community
is for two specific people….


The aspiring writer who wants to maximize their time and money FAST to self-publish books and doesn't know how to start


The writer who feels stuck and wants to simplify their publishing process and shift from chasing readers to being chased


The community leader who is publishing a book but who also wants to give back and help others publish books too

If you can check one of these boxes,
you’re in the right place!

Hey Hey!

Pastor D Nicole here. You can call me Coach D!

As a pastor, Christian Educator and brand consultant, my mission is to demystify the process of writing and publishing for impact-focused Christian writers like you!

I've been through the WIRE when it comes to navigating the world of writing and publishing. Imagine me... an honors grad from the school of hard knocks.

And...I got the recognition, the features, the media exposure, and the golden list of readership...

...including local and national pastors... administrators...
...Bishops and District Superintendents...

Proof that my Christian writing journey actually resonates with readers and garners attention using various literary channels.

I'm Coach D! And I've had the honor and pleasure of being hired (AND PAID!!!) by:

✔ Duke Divinity School 

✔ Edward Waters University

✔ The United Methodist Church

✔ The Florida Department of Health

✔ Duke University's Clergy Health Initiative 

✔ The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church

✔ The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA)

✔ The National Convention of Gospel Choirs & Choruses

✔ The Central Florida Conference for the Church of God in Christ, Inc.

(just to name a few)

It's Me! Coach D!
(holding our sign) during contract work with Florida's Department of Health. It was quickly followed by more opportunities with Florida's Department of Health as well as several alliances with local colleges and universities, also contracts.

It's Me! Coach D!
(holding our book) At the book launch after (SELF) Publishing my 2nd devotional. I have 4 at this point and 30+ publications. (Only half of the co-authors are pictured. 90% of them were first time authors. Can you say making DREAMS come true??)

It's ME! Coach D!
Hosting retreat for 300 BIPOC clergy, handling all things event concierge for
To Heal the Wounded Soul (a Duke Health Initiative) funded by Duke University--a contract I secured before graduating seminary there. I'm happily sitting behind my friend and client, one of several clients who were able to travel with me and see the BTS of how this goes...

Just so you know...
This isn't about me (but you need and deserve to see proof so you know you're in great hands because there are a lot of fakes out there).

This is about those of you who are stalling the RELEASE of your purposed Christian writings because you can't figure out how to go from what's in your mind to what needs to be on the page...
Printed and PUBLISHED pages.

Leaving you overwhelmed, confused, skeptical, STUCK, fearful, and scrolling all day (and night) looking for step-by-step help.


50-Page Book
containing Writing Resources to
Overcome Your Writing Challenges and
Complete Your Writing Process WriteAway!

...without the hassle of figuring it out alone!

Ready to Start Your Publishing Business in Self-Publishing School?





Per Month

Online Course with Supportive Online Community,

Course Portal
PLR eBooks
PLR Done-For-You Books
Weekly Check-Ins
Ongoing Mentorship



Per Month

Online Course,
Done-for-You Templates,
and FREE Coaching Tools

Course Portal
Book Templates
PLR Done-For-You Books
Weekly Check-Ins
Ongoing Mentorship




Per Month

#PostureChangers Plan PLUS Weekly Cohort-Led Check-Ins for Group Accountability

Course Portal
Book Templates
PLR eBooks
PLR Coloring Books
Group Check-In Monthly
Ongoing Mentorship



Per Month

#BusinessBuilders Plan PLUS Professional Accountability, and Business Mentorship

Course Portal
Book Templates
PLR eBooks, Coloring
and Done-For-You Books
Group Check-Ins Weekly
Monthly 1:1 Mentorship



Per Year

Online Course with Supportive Online Community,

Course Portal
PLR eBooks
PLR Done-For-You Books
Weekly Check-Ins
Ongoing Mentorship



Per Year

Online Course,
Done-for-You Templates,
and FREE Coaching Tools

Course Portal
Book Templates
PLR Done-For-You Books
Weekly Check-Ins
Ongoing Mentorship




Per Year

#PostureChangers Plan PLUS Weekly Cohort-Led Check-Ins for Group Accountability

Course Portal
Book Templates
PLR eBooks
PLR Coloring Books
Group Check-In Monthly
Ongoing Mentorship



Per Year

#BusinessBuilders Plan PLUS Accountability, and Business Mentorship

Course Portal
Book Templates
PLR eBooks, Coloring
and Done-For-You Books
Group Check-Ins Weekly
Monthly 1:1 Mentorship

100% Money Back Guarantee
If you're not satisfied, request a refund on your purchase within the first 7 days, and we will give you your money back. No questions asked.

Get Instant Access!

✔ Complete Christian Coaching Business Builder Vault

Total Value $449




Now, are you ready to secure your writing launching pad for just $20?

"Coach D, why are you offering this $47 Book for just $20?"

Oh hi fellow skeptics!

Let’s talk about the elephant in the... sanctuary.

I could easily sell this guide for $197+. It IS a course in a book, ya know.

So why in HEAVEN am I practically giving it away for $20? 2 reasons:

#1: $20 puts this guidance within reach of the people I want to serve... people like YOU. It's not too expensive for even the church Sunday school teacher who's still in seminary.

#2: Anyone who's not serious enough about their ministry to invest just $20 isn't going to take the time to use the guide anyway. I know that from experience. When people are not willing to invest, no matter what I give, no matter what I say, no matter what I teach, they’ll never actually do what it takes to be successful and write that book.

So, if you're a community leader who is absolutely serious about taking action, and you want to successfully write a book without relying on the confusing literary noise, then click the "YES! I NEED THIS BOOK!" button below.

If you need to justify the expense, skip your greasy takeout dinner this week, and it’s paid for.

Get Instant Access!

✔ Complete Christian Coaching Business Builder Vault

100 x Coaching Operations Vault

✔ 30 x Coaching Program Package
✔ 26 x Service and Pricing Guide
✔ 21 x Client Welcome Packet
✔ 21 x Client Goodbye Packet

130 x Coaching Marketing Kit

✔ 20 x Business Highlight Covers
✔ 30 x Coaching Reel Covers
✔ 80 x Business Instagram Stories

440 x Social Media Marketing Kit

✔ 120 x Coaching Instagram Posts
✔ 200 x Instagram Carousel Bundle
✔ 120 x Coaching Instagram Stories BONUS

Total Value $449




Now, are you ready to purchase your workbook for $20?

Choose Your Package

A porttitor vivamus, dolor eros torquent tortor a blandit rutrum senectus aenean. Morbi vivamus fusce posuere himenaeos. Id lacus donec nostra morbi, laoreet primis.



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The professional package has really helped me to grow my business and improve my results.

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Karen Johnson

Home Entreprenuer



Sagittis molestie nunc
Semper tempor egestas lobortis
Elementum nullam nostra
Curabitur phasellus suspendisse platea
Lorem aenean bibendum amet
Nulla quam ullamcorper vitae
Ac cursus fusce volutpat pharetra

I bought the ultimate package and I can certainly say it has been worth every penny - amazing!

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Kimberly King

Web Designer

Here Are Your Questions Answered

Question title goes here

Question One

Tempor venena vertis ipsume minim portti evenie lectus platea dolors sagitt vulput intege laoret proina semper lacusa. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.

Question title goes here

Question Two

Dolors platea venena evenie vulput semper lacusa vertis tempor portti minim sagitt ipsume intege proina lectus laoret.

Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.

Question title goes here

Question 3

Sagitt platea intege portti ipsume lacusa vulput proina evenie vertis lectus semper tempor minim dolors venena laoret. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh.

Question title goes here

Question Four

Vertis tempor lacusa vulput proina ipsume laoret lectus intege portti minim semper platea dolors venena sagitt evenie. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.

Question title goes here

Question 5

Intege vulput evenie sagitt lectus vertis portti minim ipsume venena dolors platea laoret proina tempor semper lacusa.

Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec sed odio dui.

Question title goes here

Question 6

Ipsume vulput lectus dolors vertis platea sagitt minim tempor semper lacusa portti venena intege evenie laoret proina. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.

What worked before doesn’t work today.

The believer has changed. The spiritual landscape has changed. The ministry market has changed.


If you don’t evolve, you'll be stuck on the jam-packed struggle bus with 99% of your fellow Christian leaders and pastors. I'm about to pull you off the slow bus.

Money Back Guarantee

A porttitor vivamus, dolor eros torquent tortor a blandit rutrum senectus aenean. Morbi vivamus fusce posuere himenaeos. Id lacus donec nostra morbi, laoreet primis.

Copyright © Sh'Shares NETWORK, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 




+ tax where charged

Complete Coaching Business Vault (Value $2797)​

100 x Coaching Operations Vault
✔ 30 x Coaching Program Package
✔ 26 x Service and Pricing Guide
✔ 21 x Client Welcome Packet
✔ 21 x Client Goodbye Packet

130 x Coaching Marketing Kit
✔ 20 x Business Highlight Covers
✔ 30 x Coaching Reel Covers
✔ 80 x Business Instagram Stories

440 x Social Media Marketing Kit
✔ 120 x Coaching Instagram Posts
✔ 200 x Instagram Carousel Bundle
✔ 120 x Coaching Instagram Stories BONUS

​Complete Low Ticket Engine Vault including 311 Done For You Plug N' Play Resources (Value $2797)​ ​BONUS: Money n' Metric Matters Action Plan (Value $479) BONUS: Rock Your Sales Conversations (Value $379) BONUS: Offer Invitation & Follow Up (Value $349) BONUS: New Offer Testimonial & Social Proof Guide (Value $249) BONUS: Ultimate Target & Troubleshooting Guide (Value $229) FEATURED BONUS: Low Ticket FB & IG Ads Resource Vault (Value $549) LIFETIME ACCESS & 14-Day (No Questions Asked) Money Back GUARANTEE!
Semper tempor egestas
Elementum nullam nostra
Lorem aenean bibendum
Nulla quam ullamcorper
Ac cursus fusce volutpat

The professional package has really helped me to grow my business and improve my results.

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Karen Johnson

Home Entreprenuer

Contact Information

Billing Address

Payment Information

WriteAway Resource eBook

Writer's Writing and Publishing Resource eBook

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Order Summary

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Money Back Guarantee

A porttitor vivamus, dolor eros torquent tortor a blandit rutrum senectus aenean. Morbi vivamus fusce posuere himenaeos. Id lacus donec nostra morbi, laoreet primis.
