Hi! I am D Nicole Williams. I boast several degrees. Attended many schools (too many to name, >7). I was a PhD learner. I am self-employed and self-sustained (by the grace of God!!!). I have always been a great student with many academic and extracurricular accolades. I am a hard-worker. I have always been boss’ right-hand, teachers’ pet, task master… and as such, I always moved up quickly–always made everybody proud. I am a Certified Professional Life Coach and Trainer (www.CoachDNicole.com); former photographer; blogger; entrepreneur, mentor, Manager, Consultant (www.ShShares.com); a wealth of knowledge and a great resource (to spice it all up!)!!! blah blah blah blah blah
Of it all, I am MOST proud about the offerings resulting from the launch of
It took ALL of 3 YEARS (and more pain, tears, and BACK-to-BACK STRIFE than I have EVER experienced in my WHOLE, ENTIRE LIFE!!!!!) for me to realize that God answered my prayers a long time ago when I envied my friend for being let-go from her job. I DREAMED of being SELF-employed! And… I got it! On the same day–RIGHT before–I was about to sign a contract to buy my first home. (THANK GOD for HIS IMPECCABLE timing!!!!)
MY POINT? I had applied for HUNDREDS and I mean HUNDREDS of jobs in 3 years’ time. HUN-DREDS people!!! All of that “stuff” I mentioned in the beginning amounted to what??? NO-THING!!!! Except… TALENTS! (Like the parable!!!)
God has blessed me with TALENTS and contacts and HUMILITY and HAPPINESS and ECSTASY and COURAGE that could have been gained no other way!!!
Considering everything I am encountering in life right now (INCLUDING the car accident icing on the cake that occurred IMMEDIATELY prior to RElaunching this site), I shouldn’t be experiencing BLISS right now!!! I shouldn’t be SO happy and SO giddy and SO worry-free!! I shouldn’t… BUT GOD!
I am OVER-happy and OVER-joyed to say that… I am listening. He’s BEEN listening! He’s BEEN answering my prayers, but… haha I’m speechless. (and a tad bit stubborn =D) God is AMAZING!
All of that to say: If you are my friend, fan, follower, family, client, customer, contact (etc), help me out a little by engaging with me on this. Ask me about it! Chime in! Read it! SHARE it!
It is a hub for motivation and tips on personal, professional and business development. There will be features from local and (inter)nationally known women and men of diverse backgrounds and experience. The goal is to show that SUCCESS has no blue-print! It is different for us all and can be achieved by us all.
Thanks for listening!!! (A FULL up-close-and-personal article can be found HERE!)