
Category: #PURPOSE

Wheel of Life

Here’s a FREE Coaching Assessment for you! Welcome to the Wheel of Life! The Essential Question to Ask Yourself Here is: “Is My Life a BUMPY Ride?” Using the below wheel, shade your level of satisfaction with each of the 8 areas from 0 to10 In section A under each heading, write the applicable value […]

Sample Event Proposal | Sh’Shoots

Here is a sample event proposal that I drafted after being asked to photograph a college graduation. Please note that I would never EVER ever use this prices again!!! (Request a session with me to figure out why. <== I’m serious about that.) A former colleague from University of Phoenix became employed by Everest College. […]

Sample Event Proposal | Sh'Shoots

Here is a sample event proposal that I drafted after being asked to photograph a college graduation. Please note that I would never EVER ever use this prices again!!! (Request a session with me to figure out why. <== I’m serious about that.) A former colleague from University of Phoenix became employed by Everest College. […]