
INTERVIEW | J Dianne Tribble [@AttheTable_wDi]

4 min read

INTERVIEW | J Dianne Tribble [@AttheTable_wDi]

On Living Your DREAMS…

While writing, were there ever any instances where you thought to give up?

I never considered giving up; however, there were times along the way when I got “stuck.” I went through seasons when pulling the material for the book together was very easy. I also hit those seasons when I would spend hours in front of the computer and have little-to-nothing to show for my time. I admit, there were times when I got a bit frustrated. Walking away from the project to spend quiet time or “me time’ always seemed to help. Once I had committed to writing the book, there was no turning back. Like a bulldog on a stick, I was going to complete the book project. Period.

Why didn’t you give up?

Giving up was not an option for me. Writing the book became a burning passion in my heart. I couldn’t shake it and I didn’t want to shake it. I just wanted to know, “What do I write about?” There were followers of At the Table that believed in me. They encouraged me and held me accountable for my goal. I knew I had a message to share which would bless and benefit others. An excitement to complete the project was birthed inside of me. Bottom-line, there were people waiting for my obedience.

Provide an example of sacrifice that you have made for the sake of your career/goals.

The greatest sacrifice which immediately comes to mind was the decision to not seek a new position in Corporate America when my last job ended. This has afforded me the opportunity to work my business ministry. It was a sacrifice because the comfort of a paycheck every two weeks was eliminated. Being self-employed produces fluctuations in income. I have very good financial weeks sometimes, and then there are those weeks when I fall short of my projected financial goal. The temptation is always waiting in the wings shouting, “You better go back to work so you’ll have a real job with real pay.” This is a sacrifice, but it’s well worth it.

Has it all been worth it? Are you fulfilled?

Yes, my journey has been worth it. When I reflect upon the lives which have been impacted, enhanced and changed, I know I am right where I am suppose to be and doing what I am suppose to be doing at this time in my life. My clients appreciate me. As my trainees go through the process of becoming Certified Christian Life Coaches, I know that I am fulfilling my role in equipping the saints for the work of ministry through the vehicle of Christian Life Coaching. Yes, my life is fulfilled. My schedule gets very busy and it’s a real juggling act at times. It produces a bit of pressure, but it’s nothing compared to the stress of working for others.

Overall, what is your focus? What guides you on your path J Dianne?

My primary focus is seeing people win at life. If I can help someone in the areas of self-improvement and image building to gain a positive perspective of herself or himself, it serves as reassurance that I am walking in my purpose. Once the self-confidence is built in my clients and event attendees, there is no limit to what they can accomplish. I have a vibrant relationship with GOD. HE leads and guides me in my endeavors. I could not possibly do the things I am presently doing without HIS divine intervention. HE takes my natural abilities and couples them with HIS super for supernatural results.

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