
Say NO to Pyramid Schemes… And Say NO to LIFE!

4 min read

Say NO to Pyramid Schemes… And Say NO to LIFE!

I have heard it said before that network marketing is a pyramid scheme. OH! Is THAT so?!

What is your current job?

But you were wholly unaware of that because it is quite clear to me that you are not paying attention!!! Are you not aware of the .1-percenters and the 1-percenters and the 10-percenters who compose >99% of the world’s wealth?! No? Didn’t think so! And do you feel like those people just arrived at the top???!!! NOPE! Mind you, some do–they really do! 🙂


The above is a depiction of our FAVORITE retailer!!! (You should know who I’m talking about based on the bottom rung of the pyramid!!!) Comparing this illustration to life, we can see that it includes our work and professional lives, our religious and educational structures and even our family make-up. Take a minute to think about that… I’ll wait. 🙂

Fact of the matter is, no matter where any of us start OR where we finally end up… it is all still a pyramid AND a scheme:

pyr·a·mid Noun

 A monumental structure with a square or triangular base and sloping sides that meet in a point at the top…

scheme Noun

A large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining some particular object or putting a particular idea into effect.


SEE?! I told ya! haha

No matter the endeavor if life, we (should) all seek to find success. The terms of success are different depending on who you ask. For some, it’s more linked to personal life. For others, it’s linked to professional life, and for then some, it’s a healthy combination of both. Any level of success within any arena means that you will leave others behind. THAT, my friends, is when you start climbing the ladder… and who has a problem with that??!!! Not I!

Just remember, regardless of your brand of success, seeing it through will take dedication and planning. Many of us would like success to be an escalator ride to the top, and we all know that it is NOT!!! Some even imagine that all we have to do is climb the stones–many, many stones–to the top of the pyramid. I disagree, even with that. My humble opinion is that arrival at the top of the pyramid consists of a roller-coaster ADVENTURE through rough terrain, flatlands and deep doo-doo where you’ll encounter lions, and tigers and BEARS!!!

OH MY!!!

All-in-all, preparation is key! Does that mean we have been given The Key?! HECK NO! haha The only key most of us really have is the key called LIFE!!! We grow up figuring out if we want to open doors at the bottom OR Bust-it-WIDE-Open at the top!!!! YOU choose! Pyramid Schemes are all you have ever known, remember?! What will you do with that learning?!

Decisions… Decisions…

I am a consultant within a multi-level marketing firm, and I have nothing but good things to say about such an opportunity no matter the brand, process or product. Interesting position, eh?? Not at all!!! It is possibly the position of MANY people actively involved in network marketing who are seeing success in their business. Does one have to see success to think positively about such endeavors? No! A person need only be entrepreneurial to see the options provided within any marketing pursuit.

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